Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

Remember the Boohbahs? BOOHBAH was a British kids show that PBS aired in the aughts and the main characters were – well, Boohbahs. I didn’t watch it but I know it was by one of the co-creators of TELETUBBIES and it was a love-it-or-hate-it kind of show. Young people (the target audience) enjoyed it, of course, but I know adults who had a very negative reaction to the series. Can’t say why exactly but that’s my memory of it. Anyway, I saw this Boohbah toy in the Rootle division. “Magic Motion Boohbahs” indeed.

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Sounds Familiar

“Good evening, madame and gentlemen. I am the main dish of the day. May I interest you in parts of my body?” – The Dish of the Day (Peter Davison) at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY

Doodle Do

In case you haven’t seen the Google Doodle celebrating the Mister Rogers anniversary last week, you should check it out. Honestly, “charming” doesn’t even begin to do it justice. And it’s okay to get a little misty.

Monday Montage

What’s happening, what’s on and what’s interesting this week …

Explore the little-known story of an immigrant whose building designs came to define LA and cities across America. Don’t miss ICONIC VISION: JOHN PARKINSON, ARCHITECT OF LOS ANGELES – Tuesday night at 8 on the Explorer Channel.

Congrats to the star of SHERLOCK! Although he didn’t win an Emmy last week, Benedict Cumberbatch revealed on the red carpet that he and wife Sophie Hunter are expecting their third child. Continue reading

Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

At UNC-TV, sometimes we give away stuff. SWAG, premiums, prizes, tchotchkes, things that you can get by making a donation or visiting us at an event or a local fair. But we like to give away things small and large. Whether it’s a bumper sticker or pin-on button, we give things away so you, the viewer, will know we appreciate your support and can, in turn, share that love with others.

I spied these boxes near the office of our On-Air Fundraising Producer a while back. It’s T-shirts. A couple of great big boxes of T-shirts. These may have been given away to volunteers or donors or members of the public who happened to stop by at our booth at the NC State Fair. Who knows? At the point in time this picture was taken it’s all pure untapped torso-covering potential.

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Sounds Familiar

“During his long life, he was a printer’s apprentice and a riverboat pilot, a prospector who never struck gold, and a Confederate soldier who never fought a battle. He was considered the funniest man on earth, a brilliant performer on the lecture circuit who could entertain almost any audience… and a spectacularly inept businessman whose countless schemes to get rich quick threatened again and again to bring him to ruin. But above all, Mark Twain was a writer, a natural born storyteller, and a self-taught genius with words who understood before anyone else that art could be created out of the American language.” – Narrator (Keith David), MARK TWAIN, a film by Ken Burns