Sounds Familiar

“A politician needs a wife, and other people too regrettably. Little elves and sprites to do his bidding, even unwitting pawns who don’t know who they serve… and of course one needs a sympathetic ear amongst the men and women of the press, those valiant seekers of the truth.” – Francis Urquhart (Ian Richardson), HOUSE OF CARDS

Wednesday Trivia Question

What actor played Guthrie Featherstone in RUMPOLE OF THE BAILEY?

One of the best known characters to emerge from the anthology series MYSTERY was Horace Rumpole. As played by Leo McKern, Rumpole was a self-described “Old Bailey hack” who defended any and all clients and never pleaded guilty. He appeared in seven series of the British courtroom drama which bore his name – a total of 44 episodes, broadcast from the 1970s to the 1990s.

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Sounds Familiar

“Speaking with my parliamentary hat on, I don’t think it would be a very good idea; on the other hand, with my Cabinet hat on, I think perhaps it would be a good idea. But there again, with my Party hat on, I can see there could be arguments on both sides.” – James Hacker (Paul Eddington), YES, MINISTER