Award Shows

The 31st Annual Midsouth Regional Emmy Awards were announced at a ceremony in Nashville, TN on January 21 and three UNC-TV projects were honored with awards. Here’s a list of the winners…


Seasonal Science, UNC-TV, David Huppert, Melissa Salpietra


Our State 801, UNC-TV, Morgan Potts, David Hardy, Heather Dollar, Mike Burke, Amy Meiggs, Karen Pearce, Mike Milstead


PBS Kids Writers Winner’s Circle, UNC-TV, Heather Dollar, Len Faulconer, Tisha Howard, Nancy Rich

Congratulations to everyone involved with these projects!

Kudos To Us

The nominations for the 31st Annual MidSouth Regional Emmy Awards were announced last week and, once again, UNC-TV was well represented. UNC-TV Staff, UNC-TV original programming and programs UNC-TV presented from independent producers were all nominated for Emmy Awards. Take look at the nominees below.


  • My Home, NC


  • Childe Hassam and the Isle of Shoals


  • America’s First Forest: Carl Schenck and The Asheville Experiment
  • From Poverty to Power: The James B. Duke Story

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Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

UNC-TV is television for all of North Carolina – and beyond. As such, our production staff can be seen traveling across the Tar Heel State, capturing people, places and things for all sorts of local programming, from Our State to NC Now to North Carolina Weekend. And the only way to get a UNC-TV television production crew from point A to point B is one of these fine vehicles. From small video shoots to large remote productions, these trucks keep us on the road. If you see a UNC-TV truck in your community, feel free to stop by and say “hi!” Tell ’em Sparky sent you.


UNC-TV: Keep On Truckin’

And The Emmy Goes To…

While most eyes (mine included) were focused on the international scene, awards on a more local level were given out. On Saturday, the Nashville/Midsouth Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences held the 30th annual Midsouth Emmy Awards. UNC-TV and its partners received 4 awards…

First LanguageThe Race to Save the Cherokee, Neal Hutcheson and Danica Cullinan

Historical/Cultural Program Feature/Segment:
Our State:  Hart Square, Morgan Potts, Mike Burke, Steve Price, Karen Pearce, Grant Dennis, Mike Milstead, Brian Faulkner, Fred Story, Amy Pasquini

Lifestyle Program Feature Segment :
Rocky Mountaineer , Rob Van Camp

Music Composer/Arranger:
Miro:  The Experience of Seeing, Fred Story

Congratulations to all UNC-TV staff and partners on these well-deserved honors!

Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

It’s no secret that UNC-TV makes some mighty fine television. I’m not speaking of acquisitions or PBS shows but of our local fare. UNC-TV regularly produces series like NC Now, Our State, Almanac Gardener, The Woodwright’s Shop and North Carolina Weekend. And well-crafted programs such as these are no strangers to awards – awards you can find proudly displayed in our lobby and on the shelves of producers’ offices throughout the building.  The Emmy Awards below I was surprised to find perched on a shelf in someone’s out of the way cubicle. Perhaps not the most ostentatious arrangement for such a high honor but it seemed appropriate for a public broadcasting entity like UNC-TV.


And the Emmy goes to … UNC-TV!

Yay Us!

I’m always quick to point out any time PBS gets nominated for something nice so I’d be remiss if I didn’t get a little self-congratulatory and mention that UNC-TV and its partners received 13 nominations for the 30th annual Midsouth Emmy Awards, to be held February 27 in Nashville.

Congratulations to all of our staff and associates on these well-deserved nominations!

Here is a complete list of the nominees, as reported by Shannon Vickery, UNC-TV Director or Production.

Documentary/Cultural:  (All of these programs are produced by independent producers.)
David Holt’s State of Music, Will and Deni McIntyre
First Language— The Race to Save the Cherokee, Neal Hutcheson and Danica Cullinan
The Highline, an American Treasure, Rob Van Camp

Historical/Cultural Program Feature/Segment:
Our State:  Hart Square, Morgan Potts, Mike Burke, Steve Price, Karen Pearce, Grant Dennis, Mike Milstead, Brian Faulkner, Fred Story, Amy Pasquini
Skunk Train, Rob Van Camp (Independent Producer)

Magazine Program:
Our State 707:  Dorton Arena, Wild Horses, Flag Man, David Hardy, Morgan Potts, Mike Burke, Kenneth Hackney, Grant Dennis, Glenn Abbey, Karen Pearce, Brian Faulkner, Steve Price, Fred Story, Laura Casteel, Heather Dollar Continue reading