12 Days Of Christmas Cookies

‘Tis the season to beat holiday classics to death. I mean, seriously – who hasn‘t done their own version of the 12 Days Of Christmas by this point? But since this is SESAME STREET and Cookie Monster it gets a pass. So enjoy Sid and his ode to the 12 Days Of Christmas Cookies

Impress Me Much

Vanity Fair featured a few SESAME STREET Muppets doing impressions of other SESAME STREET characters. It’s mainly just a cuteness overload but there are a few decent belly laughs for true fans. Moreover, I think “I’m here to annoy you!” will become my new catchphrase.

50 Years … And Counting

SESAME STREET debuted in 1969 so the children’s television staple is naturally celebrating its golden anniversary this year with special looks back (look backs?) at its incredible history. Here’s a piece that first aired in 1973 starring Count von Count (yes, that’s his full name) – just a few months after the characters debut. It’s called The Song of the Count and features several very interesting tidbits about the character.