Flashback: 27 June 1993

31 years ago, here’s the schedule for UNC-TV…

June 27 was a Sunday back then and Centerpiece presented the whole day’s schedule so we can really get a sense of things. Early morning was children’s television, transitioning to how-to mid-morning. 11am gave us a repeat of the previous week’s ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL. The afternoon kicked off with public affairs and again moved into how-to series.

At 5pm, we aired AMERICAN VACATIONS and then a repeat of NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE. 6pm was the main airing of ACGAS, followed by THE NEW EXPLORERS and Marty Stouffer’s WILD AMERICA. NATURE was up at 8pm (the normal day and time for decades) and MASTERPIECE THEATRE brought us the Cold War comedy-drama SLEEPERS at 9pm.

The evening wound down with the British imports FRENCH FIELDS, KEEPING UP APPEARANCES, ARE YOU BEING SERVED? and EASTENDERS.

Flashback: 17 August 1993

30 years ago today was a Tuesday and here’s what we were broadcasting on the airwaves of the then UNC-TV…

The schedule start off with a program called SEARCH. Produced by North Carolina State University, this was, if I recall correctly, a semi-regular series that centered on STEM activities. NOVA lead off prime with a look at the development of the atomic bomb. Following that, a special titled GEORGE MARSHALL AND THE AMERICAN CENTURY kept with the history theme. At 10pm, a local series called THE ROUGH SOUTH debuted. Another semi-regular series, THE ROUGH SOUTH focused on Southern writer, this time looking at Tim McLaurin. ARE YOU BEING SERVED? wound down the night at 11, followed by a program PBS no longer runs for reasons we don’t need to go into at this time.

Were you watching this line-up three decades ago? If so, thanks for being a longtime viewer!