Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

I snapped this picture of a piece of artwork on one of the sets in our studios. This was some years back and I wasn’t sure which program’s set it was. I asked around, never heard back. Now the set’s been taken down and the framed art is no longer there. Maybe it will show up on another show’s set so look for it in the background if you’re watching one of our local productions.

By the way, I did an online image search and all that came up were similar pictures of flowers. No idea who there artist is. If anyone knows, please drop me a line.

Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

Nothing complex here. Just a shelf full of fake flowers.

I saw this in our storage area, the place where you’ll spy old sets and props and various items used in programs we produce here at UNC-TV. Sometimes these items go to another off-site storage if they haven’t been used for a while but anything that might be repurposed for future set design gets to hang around. It’s quite possible some of the plastic flora seen below has been in everything from NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE to ALMANAC GARDENER.

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