Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

Each week, I try to bring you something behind the scenes, a little glimpse at the people and/or processes that bring you public television for North Carolina and beyond. Sometimes it’s a little knickknack or souvenir I’ve picked up in my many years working for public broadcasting, sometimes it’s a shot of something around the station that you’d only see if you worked here. But occasionally I dip into the archives – a collection of photos and miscellaneous material I inherited from a retired colleague. These photos go back decades and very often I have no clue what they depict. This week is a stellar example of just that. I have ZERO idea what’s going on here. It may not even be related to the station in any capacity but I find it odd it would have been in among the snaps of crewmembers and talent from days gone by if it wasn’t. Maybe these gentleman from the 1950s (just guessing about the decade) were instrumental in getting WUNC-TV Channel 4 on the air. These men are obviously displaying or bestowing some of the official seals of the University of North Carolina so they may have worked for the station in those nascent days of yore. Whatever the event, it’s an interesting peek into the past with more than likely a TV tie-in.