Wednesday Trivia Question

What are the names of Arthur’s parents on ARTHUR?

A simple question but perhaps not an easy one. Arthur Read, the bespectacled adolescent aardvark created by Marc Brown, dominated PBS Kids for years. Sadly, we said goodbye to Arthur when his long-running animated series ended last year. But not before we got to meet all the colorful characters Elwood City had to offer.

Among the many memorable cast members seen in the ARTHUR series were his friends and family. We know his sisters, D.W. and Kate, and his dog, Pal, but his parents may be less well known by their names. His dad ran a catering business and his mom was a tax accountant. They were voiced by Bruce Dinsmore and Sonja Ball, respectively.

But what were they called? What are the names of Arthur Read’s parents on ARTHUR? (And I will need an answer more precise than Mr. & Mrs. Read.)

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