Sounds Familiar

“I mean, I can’t quite believe we haven’t talked about it before. Mind you, we haven’t exactly been in a place where we’ve been able to.”

“In what way?”

“Well, in the way that we were meant to get married but neither of us showed up. And then I left and came back pregnant and James was born. But you were gonna move to London but you didn’t. And we did get married but then I went to Spain. And, well, obviously, I came back and you moved out. And there was the therapy. And now I’m training for a new job, you might lose yours ‘cause of this whole GMC thing. So … yeah. Yeah, there’s been a lot on.”

“Mmm. Yes, I see what you mean.”

  • Louisa and Martin (Caroline Catz and Martin Clunes), chatting about why they haven’t discussed having another baby, DOC MARTIN