Wednesday Trivia Question

Who is best known as the Lord of the Dance?

It’s funny how some things come about, seem to permeate the airwaves, and then go away again, nothing but a memory. Such as is was with the Irish music and dance phenomenon that sprung from RIVERDANCE.

Originally created as an intermission show at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest, RIVERDANCE was turned into a full-length show. The creator soon parted ways with the production and created LORD OF THE DANCE. Other shows followed (FEET OF FLAMES, CELTIC TIGER LIVE) and the RIVERDANCE fad continued. I counted ten shows over the years with the RIVERDANCE name. I mean, it seemed like there was a new pledge special with frenzied Irish feet every spring fundraiser in the late 90s.

For creating and instigating this Celtic dance-a-palooza, the man in question earned the nickname Lord of the Dance. Well, perhaps he gave it to himself but it stuck.

So who is it? What Irish-American dancer is best known as the Lord of the Dance?

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