Deep Dive: Weird Al On Square One

If you’re not a fan of “Weird Al” Yankovic, what’s wrong with you? Seriously, the accordion playing musician best known for his parody songs has been entertaining folks for decades and rarely fails to amuse. I recalled a bit he did on the old SQUARE ONE TV – a little number called “Patterns” that extolled the joyous virtue of, well, patterns – and looked to see if it was available on YouTube. It was. It IS. Although the quality is not great (probably recorded from an old VHS tape), it does feature Weird Al in his glorious polka best (plus Dr. Demento as well).

I would note, from what I read online, that apparently Al did not write this tune so it does not appear on any of his albums. So if you are a Weird Al fan and haven’t heard this before, you’re welcome.