Sounds Familiar

Jamie: Why did you run away from them in the first place?

The Doctor: What? Well, I was bored.

Zoe: What do you mean, you were bored?

The Doctor: Well, the Time Lords are an immensely civilized race. We can control our own environment, we can live forever, barring accidents, and we have the secret of space time travel.

Jamie: Well, what’s so wrong in all that?

The Doctor: Well, we hardly ever use our great powers. We consent simply to observe and gather knowledge.

Zoe: And that wasn’t enough for you?

The Doctor: No, of course not. With a whole galaxy to explore? Millions of planets, eons of time, countless civilizations to meet?

Jamie: Well, why do they object to you doing all that?

The Doctor: Well, it is a fact, Jamie, that I do tend to get involved in things.

  • The Doctor (Patrick Troughton), explaining to his companions (Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury) why he left Gallifrey, DOCTOR WHO (“The War Games”)