Where Do I Know That Actor?

If you’ve managed to catch ATLANTIS on the Explorer Channel then you’ve happened upon a sly fantasy-adventure full of romance and drama and comedy, all wrapped up in a colorful mythological package. You’ve also caught sight of a few familiar faces seen on other shows we’ve broadcast on the services of UNC-TV. Let’s check them out.

Jack Donnelly stars as Jason, the show’s hero. Truthfully, the actor hasn’t appeared in a lot of public broadcasting fare but he did have guest roles on Dancing on the Edge as Leopold and Death in Paradise as Sam Walker.

Mark Addy co-stars as the fighter Hercules. Addy was seen recently in the Michael Palin drama Remember Me as Rob Fairholme. He was also Pumblechook in a Masterpiece adaptation of Dickens’ Great Expectations. I should point out that Mark Addy also played Mr. Bakewell in the Downton Abbey feature film… so PBS-adjacent on that one.

Robert Emms is young intellectual Pythogoras. He was also Smitty on Capital. Continue reading