Wednesday Trivia Question

What PBS cooking series did chef Jeff Smith host?

One of the more popular genres of programming we air is the how-to series. Often simple to produce, these series can be a showcase for various artists, cooks, carpenters, etc. and can make quite a few well known celebrities. I’ve lost count of the cooking shows we’ve aired in my tenure here at the station but there have probably been hundreds, if not thousands. And these series have brought personalities like Julia Child and Justin Wilson into your homes so they tend to be well received.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Jeff Smith was the host of one of these numerous culinary-themed programs. It was produced by WTTW and the KQED and ran for (as best I can determine) 11 seasons from 1984 to 1997. Smith passed away in 2004 at the age of 65.

Aside: I don’t know how much this matters to most but there are times when I feel the need to mention some unfortunate history associated with some PBS personalities. I don’t think this objectionable history precludes them from being the subject of a trivia question but I don’t want anyone to think I condone or endorse any behavior that is unsavory or illegal. That should go without saying but this is the worldwide web where anything can be taken out of context so allow me some brief context. To that end, I must acknowledge that Smith’s television career ended when, to quote the New York Times, “seven men filed a lawsuit claiming they had been sexually abused by Mr. Smith when they were youths.” Smith denied the allegations and he and his insurers paid to settle the lawsuit. No charges were ever filed. And so I reference that merely to add background. The celebrity world has many erstwhile darlings who have since been imprisoned or cancelled due to distasteful or even criminal actions. We don’t need to celebrate them but we also cannot pretend they never existed.

So with all that in mind, the questions remains. What show was it? What popular PBS cooking series did chef Jeff Smith host in the 80s and 90s?

Jeff Smith was the star of THE FRUGAL GOURMET.

Want more trivia? Sparky plays quizmaster every Wednesday night at Tomato Jake’s Pizzeria in Durham, NC.