Wednesday Trivia Question

What does RFDS stand for?

I’m speaking in context of shows we have broadcast, of course. But the initialism RFDS (each letter is pronounced so it’s not an acronym otherwise that would be “ruhfuhdis”) is part of a title of a series and if you know the full title you’ll know the answer.

Basically the series is an Australian import that we first aired back in December of 2021. It was a medical drama and garnered quite positive responses. Sadly, there was only one season at the time – eight episodes – so it sort of came and went. Luckily a new season is coming soon.

The show centers around Eliza Harrod, a British physician who relocates to Australia with her teenage son. She joins a group that administers aid to remote areas. The stories revolve around the medical emergencies the group encounters, the personal and professional relationships of the physicians and the family drama the move stirs up.

So what do those letters stand for in that context? What does RFDS stand for?

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