My Top Five: Station Animals

Okay, first I need to admit that this one’s a little obscure. Obscure in the sense that I’m talking about behind the scenes at PBS North Carolina and its various incarnations. But that’s one of the reasons I do this blog – to demystify the stuff that goes on in production and programming and the like so that viewers understand the TV station is just a workplace. A workplace where fun stuff can happen but an office culture nonetheless.

This week I’m looking at animals that have connections to the station. Not animals seen on the TV series we broadcast but real-life animals that have been here at our RTP facilities. That means you won’t know them personally (or maybe you do) but these are animals and pets and the like that made a impression on me and I remember fondly.


5) The Wildlife. I’ve mentioned before that our building is located in a rural patch of South Durham, NC called the Research Triangle Park. As such, we are often visited by wildlife from the area. Deer, geese, raccoons, opossums, wild turkey, coyotes and more. It’s a nice reminder of the human encroachment on natural environments, which is something we tend to forget. We coexist and should always remember that this was their land first.

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