My Top Five: PBS Kids Hosts

I’ve tackled My Top Five Kids Show Theme Songs, so what about the hosts of PBS kids shows? Certainly, this narrows it down a bit as classic shows like SESAME STREET and THE ELECTRIC COMPANY and SQUARE ONE TELEVISION are ensemble pieces and therefore boast no host. But some shows did indeed have a host or emcee or presenter, however you want to define it. And so to the point: who are MY TOP FIVE KIDS SHOW HOSTS? Here they are…

5) John Robbins, COVER TO COVER. This is series I remember watching as a kid in school (yep, we used school TV even back in those olden days). Robbins would read a passage from a book and draw a scene from the book. I always thought he had a soothing yet captivating voice, even if that was something I was too young to express at the time.

4) Bill Nye, BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY. Of course, Bill makes the list. He’s one of those people whose enthusiasm and passion for his subject just jumps through the screen. My guess is tons of millennials got interested in science because of Nye. Decades later, he’s still a vocal promoter of all things science!

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