Hey, It’s Photo Friday!

Look! We made the cover of Broadcast News! Of course, it was 62 years ago but a win’s a win. And – whoa, is that Sputnik?!

Found this one in among the box of archive photos and articles I inherited a while back. It’s very cool to see this, to know that UNC-TV was, even back in the day, a pretty pioneering station. The entire issue was dedicated to the educational station WUNC (all 27 pages!!!) and features photos, floor plans, technical drawings and more. The neatest thing I discovered is that some of the photographs shown within are a few of the pics I’ve showcased in this blog. So that means much of my stash of archival photos dates back to even earlier than I thought.

Here’s a shot of the lower edge of the cover from February 1958. Yes, it’s a reprint but it’s still old and cool.