Flashback: 17 August 1993

30 years ago today was a Tuesday and here’s what we were broadcasting on the airwaves of the then UNC-TV…

The schedule start off with a program called SEARCH. Produced by North Carolina State University, this was, if I recall correctly, a semi-regular series that centered on STEM activities. NOVA lead off prime with a look at the development of the atomic bomb. Following that, a special titled GEORGE MARSHALL AND THE AMERICAN CENTURY kept with the history theme. At 10pm, a local series called THE ROUGH SOUTH debuted. Another semi-regular series, THE ROUGH SOUTH focused on Southern writer, this time looking at Tim McLaurin. ARE YOU BEING SERVED? wound down the night at 11, followed by a program PBS no longer runs for reasons we don’t need to go into at this time.

Were you watching this line-up three decades ago? If so, thanks for being a longtime viewer!